Tuesday, November 23, 2010

157/365 Mystery Water

At first I didn't get it at all. We were walking by and I saw this row of milk gallon jugs filled with liquid. Leftover antifreeze? Dirty water of some kind? But then I connected the dots. The rain barrel attached to the downspout. We have had almost no rain this autumn, but last week we did. Looks like Mrs. Kelly filled them up from the gray water in the barrel. For what purpose, I'm not sure--to water her flowers later? As an art installation in her gangway?

I don't water my lawn, period. I have native plants and hardy perennials. So I've never considered a rain barrel. My parents have one. I do water the garden when it's necessary to keep vegetables alive--but I have a drip hose. Still. Perhaps I should consider a greener way.

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