Sunday, November 14, 2010

148/365 Overheard Conversation

"Sometimes I wish I went to your school," Eliza says to Fiona. "It looks like fun."

Fiona says nothing.

"But it probably isn't advanced enough for me," she concludes. "I go to a very advanced school."

Fiona still says nothing.

"We work independently at my school. It's a private school."

"We work independently at my school, too," Fiona finally says.

"We all have our own desks and our own supplies and our own books and workbooks."

"We have tables," Fiona compares. "And we don't have workbooks. Plus, you couldn't go to my school because you don't have montessori experience and you're too old to start."

"But we don't have bullies," Eliza keeps on.

"We don't have bullies either."

"My school is a private school. It's not like a public school."

"Mine is public, but it's a charter school."

There's a pause while I let off the kindergartner who carpooled with us to the hayride. Fiona gets back into her seat and as we pull away, Eliza says, "What were we talking about?"

"Schools," Fiona sighs.

"That's right. I go to a good school."

[massive eye rolling in the front seat as I manage to keep out of this conversation, wondering if I talk to her mom about elitism or just don't care--I decide I just don't care, it's not like Fiona cared...]


mh said...

Oh my word! Way to go, Fiona! :)

Deloney said...

I think everything on this blog is made up, including the photo-shopped photos. There are no neighbourhoods like this anymore.

Indigo Bunting said...

rolls eyes with you

Mali said...

I love Fiona!