Wednesday, November 10, 2010

144/365 Standard Time Impact

The girl scout meeting is over and I'm talking with a teacher as it gets hard and harder to see in the dark. One girl's parents are late--25 minutes late when I finally ask her for her phone number. They're just around the corner and come to fetch their daughter. I go to the CSA with Daisy and a strained feeling of exhaustion, wondering if this is the way I will feel when I go back to work, when Billy is in kindergarten. Will have have this exhausted go-go-go feeling all the time? How can I bring myself back to something centered?

Traffic is miserable on the way home, in the dark. I get home and a thousand children are running up and down the block. It's a carbon copy of last night, in fact, except that I have more meetings to attend once I pick Fiona up from play practice. I have to go to a girl scout adult meeting and then to a school open house. In the dark.

Jake has dinner on the stove. I make no comment, really, as I grab a bowl of cereal quickly and slurp it down. I glance at the clock. It's only 5:30. I sigh. It's so dark out. I grab my purse and my papers for the meetings and head out to get Fiona. When I drop her off, I almost hit Sebastian, hiding behind my car. He doesn't mean it, but I still honk at him. And then I drive off in the dark.

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