Friday, October 22, 2010

125/365 Mizzou v OU

It's a block of transplants. Some are from St. Louis, but few are from the city. Many have out-of-state roots. I'm from, most recently, Texas, as is Dawn. Dan's from somewhere in the Carolinas. Valerie's from Kansas. And so on. Judd and Nick both are from Oklahoma.

This weekend is the OU-Mizzou football game. Now, I don't care a bit, and neither does most of the block. But Frank and Christy are big Mizzou fans, for whatever reason. And so I got an email from Missy a few nights back alerting us that she was going to be decorating Nick's house that night, please don't call the cops. They'd done things like this before, usually a flag on the wrong house or a sign on the door. But this is what Judd's house looked like:I thought, wow, Christy and Frank really went all-out for this year.

And then, if you can envision it, this was in Nick and Gretchen's front yard:And the email made sense when Christy asked us to try to keep our kids from damaging their work.

Later that afternoon (all of it remained up all day), I ran into Valerie as she was coming home from school pick-up and I was about to do the same. Nick had just finished this job on Frank and Christy's house:
Valerie was a little annoyed at the signage, since Sebastian can read just fine and that's just what she needed to explain.

Fiona summed it all up thusly: That Mr. Nick is a silly, silly man.

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