Wednesday, October 6, 2010

109/365 Outside

After a brief cold snap, it was in the mid-70s today and beautiful. I got home from the CSA and had Jake bring Billy out--Fiona and Daisy were already playing on the street. Kids running up and down, toddlers on the hill in front of Zelda and Travis' house.

"Haven't seen much of you lately," Zelda remarks. It's true and there's no good reason.

Joy and I talk about birthdays; I listen to Zelda and Tim talk about fly fishing. Kids run. Jake and Mason talk about something--Mason never talks loudly and I can't catch it.

Nikki shows up with Joe-Joe and his electric car ride on toy thing. This is hit: Ricky, Lark, Mia, Mae, Billy, and then even Fiona and Bree try it out (although those last two don't make it for long with parent eyes watching).

I go in to get the bean soup on the table and maybe a quick salad. Kids and parents start heading in and when I call out to Jake and the kids to come in for dinner, Travis and Judd are the only two left out there. Judd doesn't want us to take the girls in--they're entertaining for little Jay.

Sometimes I miss the Zelda-Bridgett-Gretchen-Tara with Joy and Valerie on the side afternoons. The older girls don't need watching so much anymore, though, and so these folks are replaced by people I know just fine and yet don't have all those layers of mundane conversation built up over the years with. But I have little kids, too, and the more Venn Diagrams one can find oneself in, the better off one's life is.

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