Thursday, October 7, 2010

110/365 Working Moms

I'm still stay-at-home 100% of the time. I don't work outside the home for pay. I do volunteer at school and church and scouting and all that hoo-ha but during the day, I do make an effort to be here, at least 3 or 4 days a week. Billy takes better naps if we're home, for instance, and not in the car. The house is cleaner, too. I will eventually go back to work, probably when Billy's in the 4-year preschool or maybe kindergarten. What I will do is still up in the air.

Pretty much everybody else is gone. Not true completely--Zelda and Cicely are teachers, so they are home all summer, and Zelda only teaches three days a week. Nick works from home and Gretchen has odd hours. Jen and Dan also work from home. Tara works three or four days a week. Valerie hasn't gone back to work yet, but will in the new year. Joy works from home, too, but she actually lives up on the next block. I don't see her van, we don't run across each other getting the mail.

So come the school year, things get quiet around here. Len, of course, is retired and around most of the time. But he doesn't bring toddlers out to play. Judd and Dawn, with Jay being so close in age to Leo, aren't home during the day. It's quiet.

Billy takes a nap in the middle of the day and I have time to myself. I no longer sit on the stoop and waste time--I get things done. I'm becoming more of a working mom all the time. And since Billy is probably our youngest, I know this is a time that's passing quickly and will soon be gone for good. But it will be replaced by different good things.

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