Monday, October 4, 2010

107/365 Happy Birthday Bonnie Dee

Yesterday was the party. Quite a to-do in the park, magician and everything. I was just going to drop kids off and head home, but Gretchen and Tara and Valerie were there and I realized I hadn't really seen much of anybody lately. So I stayed and had a nice time.

Jake, as always, asked me about conversation. Anything interesting?

I shook my head. No. Just more layers built up of everyday stuff.

Although there was one thing. Gretchen her husband Nick, and I stood over on one side in the sun, trying in vain to stay warm. We were watching the magician get started and Gretchen broke the silence: "I would hate for that to be my job."

I agreed, "I would probably drink a lot."

Then I imagined going to bars and introducing myself and what I did for a living. I'd be drinking alone.

But he seemed to handle it pretty well. It takes all kinds.

1 comment:

Indigo Bunting said...

"Just more layers built up of everyday stuff." I love this line.