Monday, October 18, 2010

121/365 Puzzling

The girl who had her purse stolen lives across the street from me in Bruce's house--she's renting until she gets her own place. I think.

The day it happened, I gave her a car with my name and number and all that.

Tuesday night I got home from dance with Fiona and noticed the dome light in her car was on. Knocked on her door.

Wednesday night I got home from church and talked to Bobbie a minute on the street about what had been going on. She walked by.

I left the same note I left for other neighbors, stuck in her mail slot in her front door: due to a recent upswing in crime, we've decided to have a block meeting....etc.

She didn't show. She didn't call.

I don't get it. If I lived alone in a strange city and had just had my purse stolen out of my hands as I got into my car to go to work, I would be taking the block captain up on her offer. I'd be at the meeting. I'd send an email. I'd make a phone call.

Hell, I'd at least say hello.


Indigo Bunting said...

Maybe she's superintroverted. Shy.

Bridgett said...

oh I feel bad: :)

Indigo Bunting said...

ooops...didn't quite mean for that to happen...just another possibility!