Monday, July 5, 2010

16/365 It was a hot, hot day

When Sophia was just emerging verbally, she would start stories not with "Once upon a time" but with "It was a hot, hot day..."

It was a hot, hot day.

It is, in fact, a hot, hot summer. Kids wilt outside in the heat of the day. So all the girls pile into one house or another and play as best they can in third floor bedrooms until it just gets too hot.

Right now they are downstairs as I write, Bree, Iris, Fiona, Daisy, Billy. "Can we watch something?" comes the plea. They haven't had the TV on all day.

"Sure," I call back. I have dresses to make for the wedding this weekend and entertained children are always preferable to bored clingy ones. Especially when it's a hot, hot day.

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