Wednesday, August 18, 2010

60/365 Adults at the Barbecue

They played washers for a bit while I sat and talked with Zelda and Tara. Later Bobbie and Kyle came over and we talked school. Their son is starting at a new charter school sponsored by the same university (charter schools in Missouri have to be sponsored) as Oak Grove. Discussion of kids' sports and activities; a long ode to homemade ice cream.

Jake sat with Travis and Justin and talked about something--probably politics since Jake has a hard time not talking politics, frankly--and the afternoon unraveled slowly.
Billy fell asleep on my lap eventually and we went in to get ready to go to my parents' house for dinner, but it was hours of sidewalk sitting and hot dogs and koolaid infused kids and the summer moments you remember instead of the days on end of heat and looming bored children. This is summer.

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