Tuesday, April 5, 2011

248/365 Emergency Room

I read it on facebook the next day. Cecily had to take her son Micah to the ER (he was fine in the end) and Mason had to meet her there, take off work. It was the middle of the night so she had Lark and Eva with her. I read this and thought of the night Fiona's temperature spiked and we had to go to Cardinal Glennon, dropping Baby Daisy off at my parents' house around the corner.

Cecily's father lives out of town and her mom has died. Mason's parents also live elsewhere. Siblings across the country (not even sure if Mason has any). Nobody.

Except us neighbors between these sycamores. Really.

It reminded me of when Zelda got so sick a few Januarys ago. Travis called and had me come and sit in their living room and he took her to the hospital. I watched their cable TV and hoped for the best. Obviously, it all worked out, but she was sick. Sure, they could have taken their kids to either his or her parents, but Travis knew he'd be coming home and then you have to disrupt them twice and they were already a mess because mom is so sick.

And when someone is so sick, you aren't the best parent or spouse. You are focused and worried and that's when it's time for someone to just step in, not in a weird overpowering way, but just in the background, and let kids sleep.

I told Cecily this, that if there is a next time (and there always is a next time), to call. Really. Anytime of day or night. We're here and I have no trouble walking across the street to sit and wait. I actually might welcome the peace.

Jen chimed in immediately with the same offer. Zelda's not on facebook but I'm sure she would have too. Any of us would for Cecily. But Cecily isn't the type to ask--just not in her nature--so I brought up examples of how others have done this for me (Maeve's seizure in January '09) and how I've done this for others.

Really, it's nothing. If I'm willing to lend out my 30 foot ladder or borrow hedge trimmers or a smoker (meat smoker), it isn't a stretch at all to help in a crisis. Call me.

1 comment:

Mali said...

Neighbours are wonderful in a crisis. I found that out this week. Asking for help though can be difficult - but as you point out, we all need to do it at some time or other.