Tuesday, March 1, 2011

225/365 Just Say It

"This sucks," Roxanne says across the street to me as we each get out of our cars early in the morning. She's holding Harry and has a irritated look on her face.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Daycare sent Harry home. Said he had a fever. I have this exam to get ready for and I just didn't need this today."

"Yeah," I empathize. "Maybe if he's feeling bad he'll nap for you?"

"No," she shakes her head. "I take the test today. So I'm taking him to school with me. This is what sucks about living here with no family."

"I can understand that."

"So I have a friend who has a break during the time I have the test and she's going to watch him, I guess."

I think about all the frustrations of dragging kids to places and not having child care. I think about vowing that when my sisters (if my sisters) had kids I would always be there to help out if I could. I look over at Roxanne as she shuts the car doors, and I know I should just say it.

"You know, if you're ever in a pinch," I point back to my house. "I'm around. If my car's here, I'm probably here."

"Really?" she is genuinely surprised.

"Yeah," I decide.

"I will remember that. Thanks. I will keep it in mind."

We both go into our houses.

I want people to like living here.


mh said...

Good neighbors (like you and your street) are special to have.

Indigo Bunting said...

You're a good person. And it's good to like where you live.