Monday, March 7, 2011

229/365 Home Again

On the way home from Tara's dad's house, I developed a migraine. I haven't had a migraine in years--like before Maeve was born, maybe before Sophia. I get headaches, sure, but not the weird goofy nausea and pain and weirdness of a migraine. For that matter, when I used to get migraines, I often had them as "aura without headache" which is the way to go, let me tell you.

Gretchen was driving. The sun was shining and I was loopy sick. I'd stayed up with Gretchen until 4 in the morning chatting and now I was paying for it. And it was the real deal. Words on signs expanded and contracted. Letters disappeared, little holes in my vision. And the nausea. Wow. No, I was not hungover, I was just overtired. Way overtired.

Gretchen had tylenol, and Zelda had ibuprofen. I took it all. Within a half hour, life was back to normal. Cold air blowing on my face and pain medication kicking in, I was normal. We chatted all the way home, and as I hit the house, I was met with Jake and his friends and my kids and neighbor girls and wow.

I fell asleep in a living room chair. For 2 hours while everything went on around me.

I'm still not better all the way.

I'm too old now to stay up until 4. It has been decreed. I need to be more careful.

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