Sunday, February 13, 2011

212/365 Hopes Dashed: Daisy's Life

Daisy and Fiona ran home yesterday evening. Eliza had invited them both to stay the night! Daisy was old enough, the three had decided, and it was going to be a spontaneous slumber party. Jake got some dinner together and they waited for the confirmation phone call.

It came...with no mention of Daisy. Eliza invited Fiona to stay the night. Only.

Daisy was crushed. Absolutely crushed. Eliza wanted Fiona over right away--they were going to order pizza--but Jake was smart and told Eliza that we were going to talk as a family. (When I say "we" I don't mean it. I wasn't there--I was at the cat trivia night). Fiona was torn, Daisy was crushed. So hard.

Jake called Gretchen and explained the situation. Eliza hadn't even mentioned Daisy when she'd talked to Nick and Gretchen. Oops. Gretchen apologized, said Daisy would be welcome another night, and said she'd call back.

Eliza called back. Apologized. Daisy was welcome to come over and play until bedtime. Jake offered to watch a movie and make popcorn, too, instead...Daisy went with the playtime. She came home around 9:15 and went to bed ok.

I got home from the trivia night and got immediately on Facebook to find Delia's mom's page. Sent her a message. Can Delia come play this week? She wrote back immediately: Wednesday would be great. Whew.

Daisy will be fine. But it's a lot of disappointment when you're the little sister.

1 comment:

badprincess said...

That's why I need to live nearby, so at time like that she can just have a slumber party with me!