Sunday, September 12, 2010

85/365 Adios Galvan

The horse trough pool is gone. Tomorrow is bulk trash day (once a month we can put something too large to throw away in the dumpsters out in the alley--most of the time it's picked up before the city comes to pick it up, by junkmen of all sorts). Jake and I rolled the behemoth out into the alley and leaned it against the old mulberry stump. I hope it's not too big, because otherwise I don't know what we'll do. I guess cut it into pieces and stack it? Misery.

It served us well, though. We got it when Sophia was 3, so that was 6 years of fun in the backyard. Next year its replacement is new-fangled and has a built in filter, so we will have a better chance of keeping it clean for longer. Maybe even a summer. It will fit in the same spot but go to the basement for the off-season, leaving the space for a fire pit and a gravel patio. I'm so excited to graduate to a less hoosier yard. It was fun while it lasted but there comes a time when even I have to admit that new, clean, and efficient is a nice break from old, grungy, time-consuming, and potentially dangerous to the point of requiring tetanus shots.

All the girls cared about was depth: was the new pool as deep, or deeper? In fact, slightly deeper. Same diameter. And so they were happy.

And so the galvanized pool goes the way of the cast off college furniture and our old furnace. I have a hard time letting go of things that are still useful (and therefore we own a clawfoot tub in our basement, and a pedastal sink, and a room's worth of marble tile, and and and), but along with the tattered college furniture and the furnace, the pool gave its all. Adios.


Indigo Bunting said...

Wow. It's so big. And pretty cool looking.

LisaS said...

definitely the thing for summer. i need to find a spot for one ....

Dona said...

Cool. It reminds me of the washtub my mom used to wash our poodle in.

That would make the girls the size of American Girl dolls.