Wednesday, June 8, 2011

274/365 Power struggle

Eliza calls just as Daisy and Fiona are getting in the backyard pool. "Do you want to come over?" Fiona asks her. No, she doesn't want to swim. Swam all day Sunday or something like that. Since they're on speaker phone and Daisy craves playmates, begging begins.

"Don't," I tell her. "If she doesn't want to come over, that's fine. Don't whine and beg."

They get off the phone. "I don't understand," Fiona says, my lovely non-game-playing child. Straightforward.

"She probably isn't too interested in swimming," I begin, "and maybe wants to see if she can pull you away from swimming to play on her terms." Maybe not. Maybe I read too much of my own experience into things.

Fiona shrugs. "I like the pool."

Three minutes later, I'm heading out with the phone. Fiona is taking the cover off the pool. The phone rings. Eliza has decided swimming sounds ok.

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